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Woman working at computer

I was born in North Queensland in Australia's wettest town, learned to talk in a remote desert Aboriginal community, and spent my teens growing up in a mudbrick yurt on the edge of an extinct volcano in Northern NSW. I planned to study Communications but ended up doing a BA in Anthropology, and later a Diploma of Multimedia (Design) and Certificate IV in Assessment & Workplace Training. 

My background in anthropology and experience teaching culturally diverse learners (as well as my own multicultural family) has given me an understanding of how culture can influence communication and ideas about learning. This interest in ‘why we do what we do’, ethnography and human-centred design led to studying a postgraduate User Experience Design single subject, developing my skills in applying UX principles to digital learning products.


I'm fascinated by the social and cultural evolution of humanity and how we can use our collective intelligence to become more wise, connected and respectful of each other - and be playful and have fun in the process.

With my experience as a vocational education teacher, understanding of cultures and focus on the intersection of UX, learning design, performance support and innovation, I bring a fresh perspective to digital and blended learning in the workplace.


I help people build skills and work better together, and wherever possible, learn better together.

Quality conversations

I enjoy talking shop with my industry peers and in the last few years have been the events lead for the Melbourne chapter of the Instructional Design and eLearning Meetup group, otherwise known as IDeL.


My thing for the power of a good conversation motivated me to get involved in The Learning Hook podcast series, a highlight being interviewing Cathy Moore on her 10 year Action Mapping anniversary.


In 2018 I had the privilege of participating as a mentor in the AITD mentoring program. Check out my wonderful mentee Tash Wagner's animation about the experience!

In the last few years I've challenged myself to say yes to presentation opportunities. I was a panelist for the RMIT Think Tank Series events on mobile learning and the future of VE program structures, and co-represented with Brenden Carter on gamification in learning at iDesginX 2019.

I love conversation, generative dialogue and the occasional Big Talk session, balanced with quiet reflection time.

conversation speech bubbles

Make it human

Design with people for people

Show with stories and conversations

Write like humans speak

The greater good




Quality counts

Research informs design

Budget influences scope, not quality

Aesthetics and usability are important

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